2023 – Bronze Medal Award from the Scottish Photographic Federation
The members selected and submitted 20 images from club members, and 15 images were judged by a panel of 3 experts.
Twenty-four clubs entered the Plate competition this year, and FortWilliam Photographic Society is delighted to have gained an equal third place, only 7 points lower than the first-place club. As a club, we were awarded a bronze medal from the Scottish Photographic Federation in recognition of this success.
Please feel free to visit and join the club if you are interested in photography and would like to meet with fellow keen photographers.
Fort William Photographic Society © All Rights Reserved
1st and 3rd Tuesdays
The Salvation Army Hall
Glen Nevis Place
Fort William, Highland Scotland
PH33 6DA
Site updated:
1st of Dec 2023
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